Friday, April 13, 2007

Angry = Online Application!

So today I felt vaguely angry and focusless, so what do I do? Apply for a job with the government! Man, scrolling through lists of career skills that don't pertain to me at all is very demoralizing. Does planning a Drama curriculum of 3-4 days count as Program Planning? Well, now it does. And there was nowhere for me to say I write and speak Portuguese! Why can't I know a more useful language? Of course there was a French section, but it was just "Do you speak or write it fluently?" Well, what is fluent anyway? I really wanted to say I could at least speak but...I couldn't. It does say somewhere that I take French in University, I guess that will have to do.
No idea when if ever this will do anything, or whether they will want someone for only two months. Oh well, it'll be interesting to see if anything comes up.

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