Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm Friends with a Genius

So I just received wonderful, wonderful news that my german exchange partner won this amazing oportunity. She was selected from 140 other students all over Germany to be eligible to win this huge national scholarship. You can't apply for it, but have to be recommended by certain institutions, like your high school if it's the highest level of education (gymnasium). But Lara wasn't only chosen out of the mediocre pond water of her school, but by the Academy that hosted 140 exceptionally gifted students last summer, Lara of course being one of then. I am so amazed and proud of her. Especially because it was all secrets and confusion when she found out and there's so much pressure on young people to succeed academically and now she has the chance to interview for this amazingly prestigious scholarship and that is so fantastic. It's genius! She's a genius! And she's moving to holland, on a side note. Congratulations, Lara, you deserve it.

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