Monday, November 12, 2007

The Tyler Stitch

Right now I am avoiding writing my due share of my Nanonovel, but I should update this thing once in a while, I suppose. I think I am obsessed with lists. I updated the "Movies" list on here and I started to get an almost maniacal urge to keep bolding, and bolding, and bolding more, and do more things so I could cross more things off, and go keep reading my book, so I can cross that one of my list of books to read, and I am containing myself. Listening to The Park by Feist to calm my nerves. Bought a black sweater to unravel and make into a scarf for a friend. Yesterday a couple of friends came over and we had a mini-crochet party in my basement. Then my friend who showed me to crochet once last year took a closer a look at my crocheting. I was almost done my third crocheted scarf ever, just putting a border on. She couldn't understand my I had such a hard time counting my stitches, and I couldn't understand how she could crochet just by dipping her needle around, without pulling some of the loops over with your fingers. Turns out I've been crocheting wrong this whole time! I made up this hybrid of knitting and crocheting that makes a very tight crochet weave. Basically I pull the needle around an extra loop than I needed to which made the weave thicker and imposible to do without using your fingers. No wonder. While yes, it will be a bit easier now that I know how to actually, crochet, I'm rather proud that I made up a new stitch. I hereby call it the Tyler, after my godmother, whose scarf I was making at the time.

P.S. It's my 19 and 3/4 birthday today.

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