Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy (?) Hostess

So I had my first shift hostessing last night. It was kind of an emergency hostessing, because the other girl was sick and my manager called me three hours before my shift. Of course, I didn't have any shoes so I had to run (well, speed walk like hell) downtown and buy some that bruise my toes but look nice and don't fall off. Anyway, the night was a little stressful because of the reservation system on the computer, but taking peoples's coats isn't exactly difficult. I found it most interesting how people treated me differently because I was dressed up instead of in boring foodrunner garb. One man, as I was taking his coat, took off his bowler hat and put it on my head. (Oh ha ha, funny. Or not.) When it was crowded, another guy slipped his arm around my waist to ask me in my ear where the bathroom was, and later a guy did the same thing, smelling my hair, before asking me to get his coat. None of it was overtly sexual or anything terribly insulting, but, um, what are you doing? I'm more annoyed thinking about it now than when it happened, because they let me go right away and then I went on the next guest. And I don't particularly like being called sweetie by strangers.
But that was only three people out of over a hundred that I met that night, and other than that I liked chatting to people and sincerely wishing them a great evening, especially because so many people who come in are here for a special occasion. It makes me happier to constantly be in a good mood for the guests. One of the guys that works there caught me laughing to myself over something and told me that I was a very happy person. But, I'm sure one of these days I'll go to the restaurant ready to strangle someone and then, smiling might not cut it.


Anonymous said...

sounds like you were looking pretty hot as a hostess! I want to do something sunday night! how about you?


Vianne said...

I would love to but it depends on whether I can finish a paper that is due Monday morning. I'll let you know, though, 'cause I want to do something otehr than just work!