Friday, June 15, 2007

Surprise! It's Geese!

So today as I was biking to Workplace No. 2, I was minding my own business when the river rudely interrupted me by flooding my path. Not like, Oh here's a puddle to make things interesting! No, the that bend in the path was now a little pond, complete with geese. There was a couple of adults and a bunch of teenagers by the scruffy look of them. But they were still pretty cute. Besides the fact that they made me late, I thought it was funny. The younger ones kept sputtering around, like they kept inhaling water through the wrong throat pipe, and at one point the goose (I guess they might have been ducks, who knows) who was first with the kids pecked furiously at the other good-for-nothing, who was off preening in some sun.
I took some pictures with my phone and for once, the damn thing came in handy. Proof of a first time for everything, I guess


Jenwa said...


Anonymous said...

I can post comments now! Yess! Well get writing so i an post away!
