Wednesday, April 4, 2007


So I finally created an online journal, partly out of peer pressure and partly out of procrastination--damn that Calculus studying. This could turn out cool, but I am a bit weary of blogs so this will be very experimental. I don't want to end up writing down too many things online and not in my proper, pen-and-ink journal. I also don't want my friends to READ all the coolest things that happen to me. I want to tell them in person, see their reaction and have real conversations instead of comments. Although those are nice, too. But being with someone is almost always better than talking to them on the phone, email, and definitely better than MSN or blogging.

At the same though, this could work out nicely for just random thoughts and maybe even spur a reconnection in people I hadn't seen in a while and who otherwise had no idea what was up with me. Although...I also feel like presenting yourself in a supposedly journal-type way, which implies honesty and private thoughts, on a blog where you are basically writing FOR others to read is a little hypocritical. Or just wrong. I'm not really the way I sound on a blog. I can't be. It only shows one facet of my personality in the one moment I wrote it in. Others aren't either. But it feels like that realization bypasses most people.

OK, so I'm a little cynical. But honestly, this could be fun. But I should finally get my eyeballs off the computer screen and go do something productive. Go journals!

On one other note: I really miss choir, and am looking forward to singing later on this evening!

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