Friday, October 12, 2007

Beck in a Coke Commercial

It's October and my last post was about geese. It's been a while. I am back from camp; I had a great time. I worked all summer long and it was exhausting but quirky and I did some different things than I normally do. I got closer to some of the campers and staff, I realized that Yes Drama is the best activity to lead ( well, I only really did Arts and Crafts). I started to look differently at the whole process, and I wanted to get a bigger picture of it all so I succeeded in my goal that way. Some things I realized I'm not sure if I will ever really enjoy as much as I used to, like Rec, but some things have to die I suppose. I'm at school now and my one prof (whose name sounds like Anne Murray) has the loudest, most abrupt laughter I've heard next to Dustin. Today people reacted positively to my creative writing piece! I hate that's it's such a relief in some ways, but it is. One girl just kept saying how she really, really, loved it and would keep it and read over it, that she would read a whole book like this. Wow, it's just so nice to hear that your own opinion of your work isn't total crap and biased like hell. I learnt about muties as well today. And Eponine, from Les Miz. I'm in a complicated process of re-organizing my room now and romanticizing small rooms, but oh well. And in love with the first half of "Shh" by Frou Frou. Funny how not only do you go incycles in what you listen to, but that even songs by an artist you love can fly completely under your radar though you've heard them so many times before, and then one day, it suddenly hits you that this is a great song! Oh, and a guy from my writing class wrote about a song he played with his girlfriend in the car and everyone started bobbing along in other cars, and it was this Coke commercial moment. Someone asked what the song was, and he said Beck's "Que Onda Guero" which I of course know and love, and completely surprised me. I love connections. Now I wonder if I can post pictures?

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